Lacrosse the Nations (LtN) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization with the mission of unifying the lacrosse community to improve education and health while creating opportunity and hope for children around the world.


Our mission is to improve the lives of children around the world. Lacrosse is our tool. Our programs use the lacrosse field as a platform to teach students valuable life skills and improve education, while ultimately bringing joy to their lives - and YOU can be a part of it. LtN is not just a sport-focused nonprofit, our holistic approach includes: 



Our life skills curriculum focuses on the traits and values that we as athletes learn through playing sports—often outside the specifics of the game. These include work ethic, motivation, response to failure, teamwork, confidence, and self-awareness.


Our daily lacrosse practices provide recreational spaces and physical health instruction that children in our communities lack.  Lacrosse not only offers a platform to practice personal wellness, it also provides students with stability, consistency and strong role models.


Our programs work to increase school attendance and improve graduation rates in the communities where we work. LtN provides annual scholarships at all levels for both coaches and student-athletes, along with safe spaces, materials and guidance to complete homework after school.

Why Tenjo, Colombia?

22% of females

never complete secondary school

38% of males

never complete secondary school


3.7 less years

of education among rural populations

9.2% higher rate

of illiteracy among rural populations

how to get involved with LACROSSE THE NATIONS IN Colombia

We would LOVE for you to be a part of our story in Tenjo. We have several ways for you to support our mission so that together we can overcome poverty through sports, education, health and nutrition. Subscribe to our newsletter to learn how!



  • Attend a Service Trip to Tenjo!

  • Volunteer long term in Tenjo

  • Become an LtN Champion by supporting monthly

  • Follow us on social media @laxthenations!

  • Buy LtN Swag

  • Shop Amazon Smile

  • Donate to our expanding programs

  • Make a stock donation

  • Subscribe and follow us on social media @laxthenations!

learn the best way for you to get involved

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