
Pingry's Luke and Olivia pass on the LtN Tradition

Group LtN Eport pic.JPG

Liv and I were the co-leaders of the Lacrosse the Nations Club at Pingry. We both recently graduated and were the captains of our respective lacrosse teams and have been involved with LtN since our freshman/ sophomore years at Pingry. We have greatly enjoyed leading the club over this past year. Our LtN activities occur locally during the fall and with fundraising in the spring.

This past fall, Liv and I designed and ran 2 half-day events with the Elizabethport Presbyterian Center. The first event involved 25 middle school children coming to Pingry for a lacrosse clinic designed and run by us with assistance from a bunch of our lacrosse teammates. The subsequent event was held at Eport’s Preschool where the Pingry LtN Club ran arts and crafts activities in four classrooms with 40-45 young kids.


To support the international arm of the LtN organization, we ran two fundraisers: one in late Jan/Feb selling LtN t-shirts and the second in late Apr/May selling Pingry bleacher seat cushions. We raised just over $3000 to support Lacrosse the Nations.

We will miss the Pingry LtN club but have left it in good hands.


Pingry High School’s 2019 LtN Club Members.

Pingry High School’s 2019 LtN Club Members.

Our First LtN Experiences: Summer Interns Talk

Only a short two weeks ago, we landed in Bocas del Toro ready to learn, experience and assist in all aspects of LtN programs. So far, it’s been awesome. From how to organize practice plans to understanding the value of community engagement and trust, our interns have seen so much. We spend our mornings going on runs along the water, our days with kids at practice and the local school, and our nights binging Netflix together and learning how to cook for a house of 6. By the time we reach the weekend, we are grateful for the time to explore the islands, bike around town, and catch up on some Z’s. Being able to bounce new program ideas off of each other has brought us many laughs and much learning. Here are our initial reactions of LtN in Bocas and what we are excited for over the next couple months...


Gunnar: “I’m excited to see the day-to-day of living and working here. From how to effectively get in touch with the community and help serve their needs to how a nonprofit operates, all elements are important to me - no matter how little.”

Will: “As the primary intern in charge of fundraising, I am working on growing our LtN network this summer. Learning more about how LtN connects various teams and programs to grow the game has been a really cool experience. I am blown away by how invested our supporters are in our mission and by the interest I have seen from those wanting to get involved.”


Jordan: “In my first two weeks I have seen how lacrosse extends beyond the field and brings joy, structure, and learning to kids. For example, one of our players was awarded his very own lacrosse stick due to showing respect, teamwork, and consistent effort at practice. His face lit up! Knowing the influence this sport can have on so many lives makes me really pumped for this summer.”


Rob: “The positive attitudes of kids and their desire to learn each and every day has really been inspiring. Not only do they exemplify the impact that LtN’s programs can have on a community, but the positivity and engagement of the kids open the door for further growth. As the lead intern for our Community Outreach element, I am excited to work with the community and continue mutually beneficial work here in Panama.” 


Rachel: “Seeing the passion that our young players have for the sport makes me even more excited to share my love of the game with them and continue to grow the sport through LtN.

Program Director, Maria: “The kids at practice are so helpful and patient with me as I begin to develop my Spanish skills that it makes every day that much more fun! I am truly learning virtually every minute of every day.” 

Lessons Learned in Colombia

Lessons Learned in Colombia

Along with LtN Board Chairman Greg Bice, and two of his Resolute Lacrosse staff members, we set off to explore Bogotá for 5 days. Our objective was to see if the communities we visited would accept LtN, be open to having our programs and what it would cost to get us off the ground.