Join us in Celebrating National Philanthropy Day!

National Philanthropy Day is celebrated on November 15 each year. On this day, we recognize the great contributions of philanthropy to the enrichment of our world and highlight the importance of working together for the common good. We celebrate the contributions made by individuals and organizations around the world to countless causes and missions. In addition, National Philanthropy Day provides an opportunity to reflect on the meaning of giving and all that it has made possible. 

Philanthropy is the desire to promote the welfare of others. As long as humankind exists, there will always be a need to help one another. People have a responsibility to help those in need or those less fortunate than them in order to better the world as a whole. 

Kind acts and good deeds work in a ripple effect. By doing a good deed, or highlighting a charitable act of someone else, another person may be inspired to help their community and contribute to the world in their own way. This can also aid in bringing awareness to charitable opportunities that exist. It is important to shine a light on the good that is being done in the world and on those who are making a positive impact on it. There is no good deed too small or one that goes unnoticed. 

Some ways that you can participate in National Philanthropy Day are volunteering, spreading the word on social media, and donating to charity. You can visit sick patients in the hospital, pack boxes for a food pantry, garden at your local park, or find any volunteer opportunity that interests you. You can help bring awareness to this day by sharing it on social media accounts. This includes not only the importance of the day, but also causes that you care strongly about. Simply bringing awareness and sharing a cause with others can go a long way. You can also donate to charities. Donating can mean both time and money. Even if you are unable to give money, you can always find a way to make a difference by giving your time. 

You can help support LtN today by sharing us on your social media, donating, or applying to volunteer with us! You can find long and short term volunteer opportunities with Lacrosse the Nations here.