Player Spotlight: Anthony
Bocas Town Practice, Panama
Age: 8
Grade: 3rd
Favorite Subject: Science
I first met Anthony during LtN’s second week here at the Bocas Community Center. From the get go, he was super interested in this new sport called lacrosse. After picking up the stick, Anthony started coming to every practice - falling in love with the sport as so many of us do.
But a few months in, Anthony stopped coming to LtN practices. I was concerned about him, I was confused why he was not attending, because I knew how much he loved playing.
One day, I saw Anthony on the street and asked him why he was not coming anymore. He replied saying it was too far away, but that he was really missing practice and wishes he could come back.
FYI: The beach we practice on is in the middle of Bocas town. While it’s a relatively central location, kids come from all over the island to attend. Lots of times, our practice is the only place for kids to play an organized sport – there’s mens’ pick-up games all over, but having a safe space for children to engage in sports and learning is rare.
I really hated the idea that Anthony would have to give that up because of distance. After hearing this, I told him I would pick him up before practice time. So I did. We walked together to practice the next week, and shortly after Anthony returned to our practices.
Anthony and teammates at LtN Practice during W&L and CNU Lacrosse’s service trip week.
Now, Anthony is one of our best students. Not only is he invested in the sport, but when other kids are acting out or goofing off he is right there telling them to stop or helping me explain things.
He is a true captain, embodying the mission of LtN. I’m proud to say that through LtN, Anthony has found a space to demonstrate and develop these traits on a weekly basis. Anthony is a great demonstration of our initial programmatic success in Bocas, and I am so excited to watch him develop into an even better leader with practice.
— Caroline Rath, Panama Program Director